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Rosler | Weldment Blast Machines
These special roller conveyor machines for blast cleaning of complex welding constructions where all surfaces are cleaned. For example head- and base-plates, welded ribs and re-enforcements must be de-scaled and de-rusted. And the welding seams must be cleaned.
All-around blast cleaning of outer and inner surfaces takes place through 2 “blast zones”.

The first "blast zone" consists of equally spaced blast wheels mounted onto the roof and bottom of the blast cabin – with larger machines there are also blast wheels mounted to the cabin walls. The second "blast zone" of blast wheels is placed at a negative angle relative to the direction of the parts transport. The blast pattern created by these two "blast zones" allows all-around blast cleaning of a vertically placed base-plate. Typical areas of application: Steel and shipbuilding, mechanical engineering


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