"We come with some really challenging work and your team have worked tirelessly to deliver results. I'm truly thankful for what we have accomplished and what we will work together and accomplish in the future"
Manufacturing Supervisor, | Global Precision Component Manufacturer
"The mirror bright finish that is put on the triggers enhances fatigue life and removes small imperfections from the milled surface. The work of Precision Finishing is a wonderful enhancement to Geissele's products."
Bill Geissele - Geissele Automatics
"The customer support staff in the office is very solid. We once had an issue with dust; Precision Finishing helped design a dust collector and coordinated with the manufacturer and the installers to put the equipment in place. This was a large improvement in the shop."
Operations Manager - Tier 1 Manufacturer
"Precision Finishing is very service oriented and they are always there when I need them."
Machine Operator - Precision Component Manufacturer

"When you are building parts that are winning championships in 10,000 horsepower cars there is no margin for error, you can only have the best, and that is precision."
"Responsive, Professional and Versatile are the words that come to my mind when describing Precision Finishing"
Firearms Manufacturer
"We have a had a long working relationship with Precision Finishing Inc. Almost 90% of our manufactured products require blasting and we chose Precision Finishing to be the supplier of our large blast room and the media for the process. This is a critical component to our manufacturing process and Precision's experience and attention to detail made the installation and start up to go very smoothly."
Manufacturing Engineer
What I like about Precision is that they are very responsive, when you call, you always get a response. They are extremely proactive in letting us know of any issues and resolving them immediately. Across the board from sales, purchasing and servicing, Precision Finishing is very professional.
Manufacturing Engineer